Hardware Technical failure

Hardware Technical failure

Technical hardware failures or errors occur when a manufacturer distributes to users equipment containing a known or unknown flaw.  These defects can cause the system to perform outside of expected parameters, resulting in unreliable service or lack of availability. Some errors are terminal, in that they result in the unrecoverable loss of the equipment.  Some errors are intermittent, in that they only periodically manifest themselves, resulting in faults that are not easily repeated.

When the infrastructure hardware becomes old-fashioned or outdated, it leads to unreliable and untrustworthy systems. Management must recognize that when technology becomes outdated, there is a risk of loss of data integrity to threats and attacks. Ideally, proper planning by management should prevent the risks from technology obsolesce, but when obsolescence is identified, management must take immediate action.

1.      What are the Countermeasures to prevent this threat to happen? (each member list at least two contermeasures)
The first thing that you have to new that your computer will file sum day 
2. What are the Responses to deal (reduce, stop) with the threat when the threat takes place?  (each member list at least two responses)


  1-      We should have Backup for all the files & information

2-      checking electricity as bad electronic flow can harm the hardware


1-     Call Engineering experts to fixe any problem and to make the hardware work more efficiently

2-     we have to use the Backup after any failures so can have the information  

nada mufareh


1-      Making sure that the software being used is suitable for the specs of the hardware
2-      checking the hardware for flaws and errors and the possibility of maintenance


1-      Regularly updating the hardware drivers to their most recent versions in order to fix the current flaws
2-      Hiring well trained experts to check and maintain the hardware’s compatibility and functioning

Acil hussain


1-      Controlling and checking the product’s efficiency and effectiveness before releasing it to the users. 
2-      Choosing the right software that suitable to run in the product hardware.


1-      Update the hardware to the newest version to make it easy to the user to use and it will prevent having more risks.
2-      Ask experts and trained employees to detect the problem and deal with it in efficient way so they don’t loose users, data and time.
Sulafah Basahl

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